Current Vacancy - Avinashilingam Deemed University

Current Vacancy - Avinashilingam Deemed University

Designation: Professor & Assistant Professor

Job Description:

Applications are invited for the following posts in Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women :

1. Professor

* Number of vacancies : 07
* Disciplines : Psychology -01 UR, Botany – 01 SC , Tamil -01 UR, Family and Community Science -01 ST, Textiles and Clothing -01 UR, Business Administration -01 UR , Food Service Management & Dietetics -01 SC

2. Associate Professor

* Number of vacancies : 02
* Disciplines : English -01 UR, Physics -01 ST

3. Assistant Professor

* Number of vacancies : 09
* Disciplines : Resource Management – 02 (1 ST & 1 UR) , Human Development -01 ST, Home Science Extension -01 ST , Physics -02 UR , Mathematics -01 ST , Computer Science – 03 (1 SC, 1 ST, 1 UR) , Commerce – 01 UR

FIP Vacancy

1. Assistant Professor

* Number of vacancies : 04
* Disciplines : Chemistry -01 , Biochemistry -01, Physics – 01, Computer Science – 01

TEPSE Scheme

1. Associate Professor (Special Education (Hearing Impairment))

* Number of vacancies : 01


1. Librarian

* Number of vacancies : 01

Tenure Post – 2. Controller of Examinations (for a period of Five years)

* Number of vacancies : 01

Company Profile:

Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women was established by the great patriot and educationist Dr. T.S. Avinashilingam under the auspices of the Avinashilingam Education Trust in 1957 with 45 students. The growth of the Institution has been carefully nurtured to its current heights by the world renowned educationist and nutritionist, former Chancellor of the University Dr. Rajammal P. Devadas until she passed away in March 2002. It is now the largest Institution in the country for imparting Home Science Education at all levels. It was one of the eight colleges on which autonomy was conferred by the University of Madras in June 1978 and the first of the women's colleges to get this distinction.  Autonomy gave the College scope for academic freedom for innovations in teaching and research.

The Government of India declared Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women and Sri Avinashilingam Teacher's College for Women as a Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act in June 1988. These Colleges have been renamed as Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women and is marching towards the twenty second year as a University. As per the corrigendum No.F.6-1(11)/2006(CPP-1) dated 20th Feb, 2008, the University has been renamed as "Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women". Dr. T.S.K. Meenakshisundaram has assumed the Chancellorship on 2.12.2010. He is a follower of the Founder-President Dr. T.S. Avinashilingam Ayya Avargal.

Desired Profile:

How to Apply: The Application form can be had from the Registrar’s Office on payment of Rs.50/- (for SC/ST Rs.25/- Community Certificate should be attached) by cash or by Demand Draft, drawn in favour of The Registrar, Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women, payable at Coimbatore together with self-addressed stamped envelope for Rs.15/-. The filled in application forms with necessary enclosures must reach the Registrar’s Office on or before 05-07-2011. Those who are in service should route their applications through proper channel.

Last Date: 05.07.2011

Education: Ph.D, M.Phill,M.Ed,P.G,

Location : Tamilnadu

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