Current Vacancy - Pawan Hans Helicopter Limited
Current Vacancy - Pawan Hans Helicopter Limited
Designation: Project co-Ordinator
Job Description:
Job Description:
Sr No : 01
Post Name : Project co-Ordinator
Qualifications : - Candidates having MBA Degree from a recognised Institution/University with minimum seven years exposure and experience of liaisoning with customer organisation and other Government and other Authorities.
Company Profile:
Pawan Hans Helicopter Ltd. (PHHL), the national helicopter company of India was incorporated in 1985. Presently the shareholding of the Government of India is 51% and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation is 49%. PHHL was incorporated with the primary objective of providing helicopter support services to the oil sector for its off-shore exploration operations, services in remote and hilly areas and charter services for promotion of tourism.
The experience and expertise of PHHL has been developing the company’s dedication to excellence in serving the customers and at the same time, enabling PHHL to maintain its position of the undisputed leader.
The high-performance AS365 N3 was developed for operations in 'hot and high' climates. The AS365 N3 also features a new-generation 10-blade composite Fenestron anti-torque device with asymmetric blade distribution, offering a further reduction in noise signature. The AS365 N3's gross weight is 4,300 kg (9,480 lb). Production deliveries began in December 1998 and this version is currently still in production. A versatile twin engine 11 passenger seats Helicopter of robust and reliable design incorporating the latest composite technology and Fenstron tail rotor system. Ideally suited for offshore/onshore operations, VIP transportation, casualty evacuation and rescue operations.
Desired Profile:
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may download Application Blank Form from our website and send it duly filled in accompanied with a Demand Draft (towards application fee) of Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) drawn in favour of Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited payable at Delhi/Noida (SC & ST candidates are exempted from payment of application fee) along with a recent passport size photograph and copies of testimonials. Applications complete in all respect superscribing the envelope with the post applied for must reach to: Dy. General Manager (P&HRD), Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited, Corporate Office, Pawan Hans Towers, C-14, Sector-1, NOIDA-201 301.
Last Date: 31-07-2011
Education: MBA
Location : Noida
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