Current Vacancy - Securities and Exchange Board of India
Current Vacancy - Securities and Exchange Board of India
Designation: School and college Teachers
Job Description:
Empanelment of Resource Person for Financial Education
NISM and SEBI invite School and College Teachers - Empanelment of ‘Financial Literacy Resource Persons’
Selection Criteria:
* The Resource Person(RP) should be a teacher or a retired teacher in Std XI, Std XII, graduate or postgraduate course of a college in any of the following streams: Commerce, Economics, Finance
* RP himself, at the least, should be a post graduate in any of the aforementioned fields of study
* RP should have a minimum teaching experience of 3 years
* RP should neither be connected to any intermediary nor should promote commercial interest of any intermediary nor should he be undertaking any securities markets related business activity on an individual or a proprietorship basis
* RP should have proficiency in English as a medium of instruction for the participants of the investor education workshops to be held in different zones of India
* In addition the RP should have proficiency in the local language of the district that he/ she is based in. RP should be willing to travel across the assigned area and conduct financial education workshops at various locations
Certified Teacher:
The Resource Person shall be certified by SEBI as “Certified teacher for financial education”.
Selected candidates shall be paid remuneration of Rs. 2,000/- per workshop conducted plus Rs. 500/- towards conveyance for local workshop or Rs. 1,000/- when workshop is out of station from the place of residence of the Resource Person..
Company Profile:
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator for securities markets in India. It is located in Navi Mumbai, India.
NISM seeks to add to market quality through educational initiatives. It is an autonomous body governed by its Board of Governors. An international Advisory Council provides strategic guidance to NISM.
NISM consists of six different schools as follows:
- School for Investor Education and Financial Literacy (SIEFL)
- School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI)
- School for Securities Information and Research (SSIR)
- School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision (SRSS)
- School for Corporate Governance (SCG)
-School for Securities Education (SSE)
Desired Profile:
How To Apply : Interested candidates who have the passion for spreading financial education should send their duly filled, scanned copies of application form by email to e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or to the below mentioned address so as to reach latest by July 22, 2011.
Financial Education Resource Persons National Institute of Securities Markets 6th Floor, NISM Bhavan , Plot No. 82, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705
Last Date: 22 July 2011
Education: Graduation
Location : New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata , Mumbai
For More Information: Click Here
Job Description:
Empanelment of Resource Person for Financial Education
NISM and SEBI invite School and College Teachers - Empanelment of ‘Financial Literacy Resource Persons’
Selection Criteria:
* The Resource Person(RP) should be a teacher or a retired teacher in Std XI, Std XII, graduate or postgraduate course of a college in any of the following streams: Commerce, Economics, Finance
* RP himself, at the least, should be a post graduate in any of the aforementioned fields of study
* RP should have a minimum teaching experience of 3 years
* RP should neither be connected to any intermediary nor should promote commercial interest of any intermediary nor should he be undertaking any securities markets related business activity on an individual or a proprietorship basis
* RP should have proficiency in English as a medium of instruction for the participants of the investor education workshops to be held in different zones of India
* In addition the RP should have proficiency in the local language of the district that he/ she is based in. RP should be willing to travel across the assigned area and conduct financial education workshops at various locations
Certified Teacher:
The Resource Person shall be certified by SEBI as “Certified teacher for financial education”.
Selected candidates shall be paid remuneration of Rs. 2,000/- per workshop conducted plus Rs. 500/- towards conveyance for local workshop or Rs. 1,000/- when workshop is out of station from the place of residence of the Resource Person..
Company Profile:
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator for securities markets in India. It is located in Navi Mumbai, India.
NISM seeks to add to market quality through educational initiatives. It is an autonomous body governed by its Board of Governors. An international Advisory Council provides strategic guidance to NISM.
NISM consists of six different schools as follows:
- School for Investor Education and Financial Literacy (SIEFL)
- School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI)
- School for Securities Information and Research (SSIR)
- School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision (SRSS)
- School for Corporate Governance (SCG)
-School for Securities Education (SSE)
Desired Profile:
How To Apply : Interested candidates who have the passion for spreading financial education should send their duly filled, scanned copies of application form by email to e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or to the below mentioned address so as to reach latest by July 22, 2011.
Financial Education Resource Persons National Institute of Securities Markets 6th Floor, NISM Bhavan , Plot No. 82, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705
Last Date: 22 July 2011
Education: Graduation
Location : New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata , Mumbai
For More Information: Click Here