Current Vacancy - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Current Vacancy - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Designation: Assistant Professor,Associate Professor
Job Description:
Job Description:
Sr No : 01
Post Name : Assistant Professor
Qualifications : - For a fresh Ph.D. the position will be on contract basis for first three years, after the completion of which it can be regularized. For those with three or more years of teaching/research/industrial experience, regular appointment can be made. Period of probation in regular appointment will be one year.
Sr No : 02
Post Name : Associate Professor
Qualifications : - 6 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent..
Company Profile:
IITK is writing its story. To most people who have been associated with IITK, this institute is special in many ways. We hope to bring out this unique flavour in the book and, for that, we need contributions from everybody who has a story to tell. Irrespective of the nature of your association with IITK, you must remember at least one story --- anecdotes from the classroom, the playing fields, the hostels and the offices of the faculty and staff. Before these are lost or forgotten and before the photos in your old albums fade away, the Institute hopes to record them. Your Institute asks you to delve deep into your bag of memories and pull out those reminiscences.
Perhaps you have an anecdote or a photograph that illustrates life on campus or the essence of the IITK experience, or is related to some significant development on campus. Perhaps you were among the students who contributed labour to the construction of the swimming pool or took the first glider flight, or brought out the first student journal. Perhaps you were on campus when "the strike" took place. If you have been on the faculty, perhaps you remember something special about your first reactions; perhaps you have an interesting story from your interactions with students, inside or outside the class, or from your experiences as a family man on campus. Or, you may like to share your personal views on the spirit of IITK or the contributions this Institute has made.
All contributors to the final book will be acknowledged by name. The Advisory Committee will decide on the exact nature of the acknowledgement. Do not send articles, as the book will not be a collection of articles. Other than that, there is no constraint on what you may contribute.
Desired Profile:
How to apply: Application in the hard copy format or in online format should be submitted to the Dean of Faculty Affairs, IIT Kanpur on or before 31/07/2011.
Last Date: 31-07-2011
Education: Ph.D
Location : Kanpur
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